The Daily Routines of 12 Famous Writers

date_range 22 Mars 2020

“The repetition itself becomes the important thing.”
— Haruki Murakami

“A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.”
— E.B. White

“I write every morning.”
— Ernest Hemingway

“When you can’t create you can work.”
— Henry Miller

“I do pushups and sit ups all the time.”
— Kurt Vonnegut

“You can’t edit a blank page.”
— Jodi Picoult

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.”
— Maya Angelou

“I have to write hundreds of pages before I get to page one.”
— Barbara Kingsolver

“Turn off your cell phone.”
— Nathan Englander

“Enjoy writing badly.”
— Karen Russell

“Force yourself to generate dozens of ideas.”
— A.J. Jacobs

“You have to write whether you feel like it or not.”
— Khaled Hosseini


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